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Hair Removal For Men

In the past, male hair removal wasn’t really in fashion. Men weren’t encouraged to be hair free on areas such as the chest, back and groin area unless they were dedicated sportsmen or ‘metrosexuals’. Now with growing trends with celebrities and those in the media sporting smoother and more ‘groomed’ body looks, hair removal for men is not only much more popular, but more acceptable socially and more regularly seen in the mainstream.

Now studies have shown that nearly 70% of all men have removed unwanted hair from their body!

Recently, a Mintel survey addressing British attitudes to hair removal found that 50% of Brits think there is more pressure on men to remove their body hair than in years gone by. The survey also found that apart from shaving the scalp, the most common areas to remove unwanted hair are the legs (4%), arms (5%), bottom (6%), back (9%), underarms (12%), chest (13%) and genitals (29%). The survey also looked at how age may influence men’s desires to ‘banish the fuzz’. For 16 to 24, 58% of men reported that they felt pressure to remove or groom their body hair. Although the older age groups felt less pressure to get smooth, 22% of men over the age of 65 were considering becoming ‘hair-free’.
As the hair on most men’s bodies is thicker and courser than those of women, hair removal with traditional methods can be a real pain, both in time and in sensation! Waxing or epilating for a man can be near-torture and shaving can cause irritation, itching and the results may only last a day before the whole rigmarole needs to be performed all over again! Laser hair removal and IPL have become increasingly popular with men but traditional devices can be painful and still take some time to not only administer but to achieve the desired results, especially on larger areas such as the back and the chest.

With Hair No More, we have taken the effective technology from traditional laser and IPL devices and developed a faster, pain-free and more cost-effective treatment. As Hair No More uses multi-wave technology which is emitted in short and very rapid bursts, the heat generated by the laser light reaches minimal temperatures in comparison to laser and IPL. In short, this makes the whole process quicker (in around 8 treatment for optimum results) and with significantly less discomfort. It also means that we can treat all skin types and most hair types, accept very fine, light-coloured hair.

Hair No More can offer men treatment of the following key areas for the removal of unwanted hair:

Micro: Ears, Nose, Toes, Fingers, between brows

Small: 1/2 face, nape, ‘brokini’, small of back, underarms

Medium: shoulder, ‘brozilian’, full face, half leg, bottom

Large: Full leg, back, chest, The Full Monty

We use three main categories to define the various popular body areas that men desire hair removal. They are:

Removes all hair from the bikini line

Removes all hair in the front and underside, with the option to leave a landing strip or triangle (Does not include backside)

The Full Monty
Removes everything from the front to the back 

With prices starting from as little as £19 and with around 15 Hair No More clinics now in the UK, this revolutionary technology could be the answer when it comes to the safe, fast and pain-free, permanent reduction in unwanted or excess hair.

We’ll even give you a free of charge test treatment with a no obligation consultation! So, what are you waiting for? Find your nearest Hair No More salon at